Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Assignments for Summer of 2012

Assignments for New Media Reporting:

Week 1: Compare a day's front pages from Gawker and the New York Times. Write a few paragraphs about the differences in tone, subject matter and presentation. 50 points.

Week 2: Read and analyze three days worth of posts on the blog LA Observed and summarize your thoughts in three or more paragraphs. Also, set up your blogs and post your work there. 100 points.

Week 3: Use Twitter and Creative Commons photos to produce a story with photos based on information, at least in part, you reported via Twitter. 100 points.

Week 4: Write a post about the latest developments in a hot story. Use three sources, including an original interview, video/audio and links. 100 points.

Week 5: Write a true-crime story using original reporting (an interview or email Q&A). You can base it on an existing story or press release, using those to advance the tale, but make sure it's about something current. 150 points.

Week 6: Make a video and post it to your blog. It can be a soundbite of an interview or a shot of a news scene. It should be set up with text to provide context but you don't have to write a complete story. We just want to see your video. 100 points.

Week 7: Write a news story/post. You can aggregate it. But you need to promote it via Facebook and Twitter. And you need to get someone to comment on it. 50 points.

Week 8: Read a free excerpt of Chris Anderson's book Free and write a short essay arguing for or against pay walls for news websites. 50 points.

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